Praying Together as a Diocese
Daily Prayer
Bishop Morales invites the whole diocese to unite in prayer through Common Worship‘s Daily Prayer and the Diocese of Quincy’s monthly prayer cycle.
Together we will daily lift one voice to God in our prayers, and the same Scriptures will nourish our minds and our souls.
The Introduction to Daily Prayer observes that “from earliest times, Christians gathered at regular hours during each day and night to respond to God’s word with praise on behalf of creation and with intercession for the salvation of the world.”
We invite you to pray with us. You can also get the free Daily Prayer app for Apple iOS and Android.

Diocesan Intercessions
The Diocesan Monthly Cycle of Prayer is our monthly schedule for prayers covering the people and work of the diocese.
Download the Current Prayer Cycle for the Diocese of Quincy:
Email Prayer Notices
If you wish to be added to the DOQ group that receives periodic requests for prayer, please email LeRoy Groff and give him the name of your home church: leroy@dioceseofquincy.org.
Or you may register directly at this link.